Control4 Home Automation

Get the most out of your technology and experience safer, easier living through a modern smart home.

Transform your home by bringing it into the digital age. Discover how to keep your family warm and safe with the touch of a button, or enjoy a fully immersive entertainment system, specifically designed to you and your needs.

Onpoint Automation offers a complete smart home solution using the world-renowned Control4 system.

We can help you design and build a home theatre, upgrade your security, or link your systems together, all operated from a single device.

From controlling the lights in and around your home, through to playing music in separate rooms, having all your devices work together in a seamless arrangement using Control4 will make you wonder how you ever lived without it.

We believe in creating something special and unique for our clients. Something that they only ever dreamed about. Integrating lighting, visual, audio, heating and security will take your home lifestyle to another level. Contact us today if you would like Designer AV to change the way you live your life.

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